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Have you lost faith in yourself?
Part 4 of the Gender Roles Series

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By: Sangeeta Maheshwari

      Certified Metaphysics Practitioner

      Author | Inner Growth & Happiness Mentor

Grow Outside Your Comfort Zone

Yes, getting out of your comfort zone is stressful, as your brain is wired to expect the worst-case scenario. Your brain wants to keep you safe, by doing things you are comfortable with. It convinces you that it is your only purpose. To trick the brain you have to venture out from your comfort zone and try new things from time to time. It changes your brain's wiring and increases it's adaptability, for the better. Changes every now and then, show your brain that there is so much more to explore and that you can rediscover your purpose in life.

Sure sometimes things can go south, and results can range from disappointment to even worse than expectations.


Since you have challenged your brain to adaptability and changes, you know this disappointment shall pass too. For you know you can stand up and brace yourself, and you are more likely to push yourself  beyond your limits again. With practice, you will eventually learn that you can always be a better version of yourself.

We are running a series of videos on Q&A on Gender Roles to create more awareness on how we are living unconsciously with some obsolete beliefs that are not serving us in today's era. We look forward to your feedback and support on spreading this shift to make our current and future generation more empowered and accepting. Let us together build back this world into a more happier place to live.

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