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Do you wish to discover your Uniqueness?

By: Sangeeta Maheshwari
Certified Metaphysics Practioner
Author | Inner-Happiness Mentor
Do you know that each one of us comes with a unique stamp? Why, because we are meant to express our exclusivity. Then why do most of us look to mingle and merge with the rest of the crowd? Is it the fear of standing out that is intimidating? Do we prefer to be safe?

There are challenges in both but the results quite different. One hides you, keeps you safe but disempowers you and the other polishes and shines your light by creating some short-term friction, but empowers you in the long run. You become your own leader.
As humans, we learn very quickly to live safely and seek a tribe to blend in. Needless to say, we follow and try to please others to stay together in harmony and peace. But internally, we start moving away from our place, peace, and purpose.
The way to express our true purpose, our unique selling point (USP) and trademark is to sing our melody, paint our masterpiece and speak our voice. Of course, we will stand out if we do that. But do we wish to be pleasers to others, to feed further to our insecurity or are we willing to feed ourselves and feel secured with our true self?
The journey of a marble statue was that it was ready to be chiseled, while the marble slab stayed safe on the floor with other tiles.