Roles of bonds and relationships in rebuilding a new world
Is 'loneliness' the silent pandemic on the rising?
Our Life is a compilation of experiences and unfolds based on our response to those experiences.
If we limit our life to a safety net and choose to stay in our comfort zone, we would limit ourselves to those experiences and insights. We would be like a bird in a cage fearful to fly. The true purpose of the bird is to fly, to strengthen its wings and keep testing newer heights. We are also meant to keep pushing ourselves to newer heights to explore newer horizons, thereby enriching and empowering our lives with our explorer hat on. When was it last that you listened to your inner explorer and plunged with it? How did you feel? Why are you not doing it more often?
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Exploring your Vasco De Gama energy!

By: Sangeeta Maheshwari
Certified Metaphysics Practioner
Author | Inner Growth & Happiness Mentor
“Are you ready to wear your explorer hat to discover a new frontier?
Dust your explorer hat and go for it!"
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