Roles of bonds and relationships in rebuilding a new world
Is 'loneliness' the silent pandemic on the rising?
I appreciate this wonderful piece of work by Sangeeta Maheshwari.
This book is a useful guide to support one’s journey of self-reflection and helps in manifesting one’s highest potential to live a happy and fulfilled life. It helps you with a step–by–step process of demystifying one’s life and finding meaning in what one does, what one loves and who one is.
It is true that it is only when one ignites compassion and moral courage from within, only then one can foster a long-lasting positive mindset that can withstand the day-to-day challenges in achieving success and uplifting those around us to realise our collective humanity.
I have known Sangeeta personally for years as a passionate and dedicated practitioner for discovering power and peace within oneself.
Best wishes
Noble Peace Laureate
Kailash Satyarthi
“In Reset Your Mindset, Sangeeta has skillfully put together very practical mental exercises to help create the kind of mind that helps us succeed in life. The advice is easy to apply and, in my experience, will bring new possibilities, perspectives and outlooks. Once we create a new mindset some previous issues melt away, almost as though they never existed, some we find solutions for and others we discover ways to accept them as part of life.
I highly recommend Sangeeta’s excellent book and encourage you to give it a try.”
- Simon G. Brown
Author of the Feng Shui Bible and Macrobiotics for Life, international teacher, consultant and health practitioner.
“I have known Mrs Sangeeta Maheshwari since 2015 and I have always admired her spirit to continuously grow and evolve as a person, it is amazing to see how she is able to juggle all her roles as an author, and wellness professional with her family responsibilities joyfully. Her books reflect her deep insight into the human spirit and how with love and compassion one can conquer all challenges. Her books have the ability to bring to life the characters with their unique personalities in a vivid manner. Her Writing style is fluid and enjoyable for the reader.”
- Dr Shikha Nehru Sharma
Founder - Nutriwel Health
“Sangeeta has been a mentor on our platform ever since our launch.
I am constantly amazed at her ability to change perspectives in her mentees. Her deep understanding of young minds is only matched by her limitless patience and wonderful generosity.
All of us at Aspire For Her are privileged to have Sangeeta with us. We will cheer for her. All the way.”
- Madhura Das Gupta
Founder and CEO - Aspire For Her
“Sangeeta Maheshwari is a good friend of Future Hope. She has used the lessons that she has learnt in her youth and built up during her life to help, benefit and mentor our Future Hope children. Her workshops, webinars and one to one sessions with our children has opened a new way in their lives, one which gives them confidence in themselves and gets them to think in a positive way about their futures.”
- Tim Grandage
Founder- Future Hope